Airlangga Summer Program 2015-Indonesia

Airlangga Summer Program 2015-Indonesia
Airlangga Summer Program 2015-Indonesia

Monday, March 30, 2015

‘Identifying, analyzing and resolving Organizational Behavioral issues in a Real world organization

Authors: Hengjulie Song, Mizuno Thay, Norinreaksmey Phalla, Lihour Tang, Sonida Ngy

      I.         Introduction
Comin Khmere is an engineer solutions provider that also specializes in measurement instrumentation and process automation solutions for the industry. It provides a wide range of engineer services, which include energy audit, security control, power generation, just to mention a few. It was found more than 20 years ago in Cambodia and currently employs more than 1100 employees. Comin Khmere is a subsidiary of Comin Asia, which operates throughout 5 different countries in Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.
From our internship at Comin Khmere, we had noticed several profound organizational behavior problems there. First of all, there is a high amount of overtime lately, which makes the salary expense of the company to increase largely. Secondly, there is an increase of turnover rate in conjunction with a reduction of employment rate due to the amount of staff leaves is not commensurate with the amount of new entrants. Lastly, the employee productivity also plummet as a consequence of high turnover and staff exhaustion due to the declining in the amount of staffs with the same level of work.
    II.         Common Issues within Comin Khmere
1.     Overtime Working Hours
OT issue is Comin Khmere's most common and problematic one. Based on data available from January to June, on average, annual OT working hours is equivalence to 1.7 months working hour. In addition, OT issue also put a lot of financial burden for Comin Khmere (on average, Comin Khmere must spent additional $62,763 on top of salary expense for OT pay). On human resource side, occasionally due to the fact that OT require hire additional non-contracted employee, thus, OT often meet some difficulty in finding workers, especially during construction peak period. Because OT in Comin Khmere is not seasonality, thus, there is room for improvement.
2.     Issue of Productivity
Although we have no concrete data to show that productivity at Comin Khmere has been declining, such issues often raised and considered by Human Resource Department as one of common disease. Productivity issue is closely linked with OT issue as well, because through observation, comparatively speaking, now the similar type and scope of construction require more time and workers to be completed.
Less productive => additional time and workers => additional OT => additional expense.
3.     High Turnover and Low Admission Rate
For recent year, number of employees at Comin Khmere has declining sharply; this has posted another big concern for organization. According to the data, on average the turnover rate/termination rate is roughly 4.2 % of total employees, however the average admission rate is about 3.1%, resulting in declining employees from 1315 in January 2014 to 1245 in June. Such high turnover also put lots of financial burden for company, in term of hiring and training new employee. The reason for high turnover is unknown, however, it is believed that motivation play a more important role than fierce competition from other construction companies.
  III.         Problems and Solutions, Overtime
According to Cambodian Labor Law, the normal legal working hour is 8 hours per day or 48 hours a week ( Unlike some countries where employees are permitted to work only 5 days per week, employees in Cambodia can work up to 6 days per week. In addition, each employee can voluntarily do a maximum overtime work of 2 hours per day. In short, one can work up to 10 hours per day in Cambodia, including overtime. Overtime is paid at a rate of 150% and a rate of 200% if work is completed at night or at weekends. Cambodian law defines night work as work performed during 10 pm to 5 am.  Companies operate in Cambodia have the right to limit the working hours but not in contrast to what the law say and should grand their employees at least 30 minutes lunch break.
The excessive uses of overtime have posed many problems for Comin Khmere lately. First of all, the highly use of overtime has increased the company’s operating expenses which in turn negatively impacts the bottom line of the business operations. As mentioned above, overtime pay is more expensive than normal working time pay. During the first six months of this year, Comin Khmere has spent $337,994 for overtime. If there is no policy to tackle this problem, Comin Khmere estimates their annual overtime working hours for 2014 will be $675,988 which is equivalent to 1.7 months of their total working time. Second, employee productivity at Comin Khmere has declined as a result of high levels of overtime. There has been an increase in the absence level and decrease in staff productivity at Comin Khmere recently due to the surge of staff sickness, fatigue, and stress. When employees have to work excessively every day, they are very vulnerable to physical and psychological problems as studies have shown (as cited in ). Humans are not machine, thus they need to have enough rest and entertainment in order to work at their best. Third, the regular use of overtime has lead Comin Khmere employees to rely on overtime pay and perceive this additional income as their regular income. Employees at Comin Khmere have an incentive to take advantage of overtime due to the lenient overtime policy. In this way, Comin Khmere is unable to monitor its employees as most of the company’s works are done outside its head-quarter. As the company is unable to track the working hours, employees have an incentive to lower their work pace in order to qualify for overtime to increase their compensations. Overtime has almost become part of Comin Khmere’s organizational culture. If Comin Khmere decides to implement strict policy to tackle overtime, a lot of its employees will leave the company as a result of lower pay. Comin Khmere is currently facing a trade-off between losing its current employees and lower its operating costs. A prudent policy regarding overtime cut needs to put in place in order to make sure potential employees will not leave Comin Khmere. As a result, overtime has increased Comin Khmere operating expenses, reduce employee productivity, and make the employees to rely on overtime pay.
Solutions to Overtime Working Hour
We have come up with some solutions Comin Khmere can use in order to reduce overtime. From our cost and benefit analysis, we find out that Comin Khmere can save up to $ 8173.61 by recruiting new employees to cancel overtime (Figure 1). Comin Khmere should hire an addition of 86 employees for three main job areas where overtime hours mostly come from: 62 for helpers, 14 for technicians, and 10 for team leaders. The use of casual workers is not very efficient for Comin Khmere since casual workers may demand higher pay and there are costs associated with hiring new workers. In addition, temporary workers may not be as productive as permanent staffs because they may require training and it takes time for new employees to perform their jobs efficiently. According to our Organisational Behaviour studies, flextime can help organization to reduce overtime and increase employee productivity (Book). Flextime is the term used for variable work hours that permit flexibility in starting and ending times within limits set by management ( Comin Khmere can increase its employee satisfaction and productivity while also reduces its overtime expenditures by allowing its employees to have flexibility in their working hours. The use of flextime provides freedom for employees to choose their working hours that are conform to their personal needs and employees  also work overtime hours without receiving overtime rates. Cross training also can help Comin Khmere to mitigate its overtime challenge. Cross-trained workers can help other employees to perform their jobs during their idle working time and they also can help fill in for absences, vacations and peak demand periods. There are a couple of cross training structures that Comin Khmere can implement such as job rotation, job enrichment, and job enlargement. However, Comin Khmere has to be careful in selecting the employees to be cross-trained because not all employees are comfortable with learning new things. Not only does cross training help reduce overtime, but it also motivates employees. “Cross-trained employees usually feel that their jobs have been enriched, and they often suggest creative and cost-effective improvements. Cross-training can lead to productivity gains that help you stay competitive" Rogerson noted (as cited in Low pays and low fringe benefits also contribute to the overtime problem at Comin Khmere. From our internship there, we learnt that the pay scheme at Comin Khmere is not so good in comparison to its peer competitors; that’s why employees there try to qualify for overtime in order to compensate for their low fixed salaries. We would like to suggest Comin Khmere to restructure its pay structure and try to introduce/increase rewards for its outstanding employees. By increasing the pay scheme and fringe benefits, employees will try to work harder because they know there are many people out there want to work for this company. The use of modern tools and latest technology will help increase productivity at Comin Khmere which in turn will reduces overtime hours. But, it should be noted that latest tools and technology are expensive, so before choosing any technology or replacing any tool, it is wise for Comin Khmere to do cost and benefit analysis first. Comin Khmere should automates process operations wherever possible and use technology to monitor its employees. The automation of processes will increases the work pace and reduces the scrap rates at Comin Khmere. By tracking its employees, Comin Khmere can discourage its employees from wasting their time and try to increase their productivity.
  IV.     Problem and Solution, Low Productivity
Low productivity within Comin Khmere could be caused by several factors, which are the mismatch between employees’ values and organizational objectives, ineffective teamwork, lack of employee empowerment, lack of motivation, and lack of job satisfaction.
Mismatch between employees’ values and organizational objectives: Values represent basic conviction that “a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state existence, laying foundation for our understanding of people’s attitudes and motivations and influence our perceptions (Robbins & Judge, 2014). Comin Khmere’s organizational objectives are to deliver high added value and innovative engineering solution in all industry sectors, including infrastructure, industry, and construction (Mission & Vision, n.d.). From design, supply, installation to maintenance, our capabilities include all technical electro mechanical solutions based on equipment, systems, and services (Mission & Vision, n.d.). Even though, we do not have the data concerning that match between employee’s values and organizational objectives, we cannot rule out the possibility that this may be the factor affecting the level of productivity because when there is a mismatch between employee’s values and organizational objectives, productivity decreases.
Ineffective teamwork: Comin Khmere classified teamwork as operating values in all of their projects (Values, n.d.). Alike, the natures of work at Comin Khmere that must be performed by employees are large projects that require teamwork. Effective teamwork could lead to great success, yet not all teamwork results successfully as it takes more time and resources than individual work, while it have increased communication demands, conflicts to manage, and meetings to run (Robbins & Judge, 2014). Hence, if teamwork, which is core activity of Comin Khmere, is ineffective, productivity of Comin Khmere will inevitably falls.
Lack of employee empowerment: Comin Khmere’s organizational structure is very formal that it takes a long time to reach each decision as each manager needs time to evaluate and approve it before anything can take place. Moreover, some projects need to spend a lot of time being in queue before each manager can have the chance to see them, which decreases productivity due to excessive waiting time. This issue arises because there is lack of employee empowerment. This can also lead to employees feeling insignificant that in turn reduces job satisfaction as well.
Lack of motivation: Motivation is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (Robbins & Judge, 2014). According to the data, it illustrates that employees at Comin Khmere perceive their salaries to be lower than what other multinational organization would pay to their employees. This perception lowers their productivity because they think their efforts are not justified, so that they decrease their level of input, leading to a decline in their level of output.
Lack of job satisfaction: Job satisfaction is defined as a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics (Robbins & Judge, 2014). When an employee is satisfied with the job they are performing, it is more likely that the productivity will increase. However, according to the data we have obtained from Comin Khmere’s employees, it is evident that they think their pay is not sufficient, which can lead to job dissatisfaction that in turn affects the level of low productivity.
Solutions to low productivity
Potential problems that lead to low productivity are identified and elaborated above are numerous, yet we do not have sufficient evidence to back the claim of mismatch between employees’ values and organizational objectives, ineffective teamwork, and lack of employee’s empowerment as causes of low productivity. On the other hand, our data backed our claim of lack of motivation, causing lack of job satisfaction, which eventually lead to decline in productivity. Therefore, in order to tackle the issue of low productivity within Comin Khmere, we shall focus on increasing motivation prior to making any other changes without clear ground of results generated. As employees at Comin Khmere perceived their pay as being lower than other multinational companies, due to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the first step is physiological needs, followed by safety needs before they can climb the steps to higher level (Robbins & Judge, 2014); then, although the salary at Comin Khmere is able to fulfill employees physiological needs, they lack the needs of safety since they may not be able to save much for their future emergency needs that reduces their motivation within the workplace. Hence, the main solution would be to increase monetary benefits for the employees to a more reasonable level. By doing so, Comin Khmere would be able to motivate their employees, leading to more job satisfaction, and increases productivity.
    V.         Problems and Solution, Turnover and Admission Rate:
As has mentioned above, the number of employees at Comin Khmere has declining sharply due to the mismatch between the turnover and the admission rate in the company, from 1315 employees in January 2014 to 1245 in June. Such mismatch posted a big concern for the company as it put lots of burden on the company pool of employee as well as financial aspect, in term of hiring and training new workers.
Solutions to Low Admission Rate
The issue concerning with reduction of admission/employment rate can be resolved to a certain extend by being more prepared in regards to the employment process. In the case that the company only starts to look for new employees when there is an available position, it would cause quite a number of problems. Some of the problems include the fact that the human resource department would be pressed of time therefore they would not have the luxury to gather as many applicants as they would wish to. This would results in having a lesser chance at finding someone who is a good fit for the job in addition to the fact that they would need to make the decision as soon as possible which might not be the ideal option.
One way of dealing with this issue is for the human resource department to be more prepared regarding hiring or simply adopt a system that allow for a larger pool of potential candidate. First, they could cooperate with a third party company such as CBC (Cambodia Business Cosultant), whose main role is to find a job for the unemployed Cambodians. Through this, Comin Khmere can simply pull the list of potential candidate from the third party company which will help save time and possibly cost, then if they were instead to advertise the job position themselves.  Secondly, internship program can also spur the potential employee for the company. Comin Khmere can possibly go into an MOU (Memorandum of understanding) with universities and have the student in the upper percentile to intern in the company. This can function as a source of cheap labor and at the same time, allow the company to assess and build relationship with the interns, and ultimately improve the pools of employee for the company in the long term. In addition, by accepting in interns, it gives a better view of an individual’s performance in comparison to simply hiring them after interviewing them. When completing their internship, the intern’s skills are shown more clearly however interviewing an individual might not accurately represent their skills. Thirdly, job advertisement should be improvised in according to the current market trend. More specifically, since more and more people are using the internet on a daily basis now, the HR department should focus its resource on online advertisement. Specifically, the company can push the job position to career site such as BongThom or they can use social network site such as LinkedIn or Facebook to advertise the job position as well as to search for potential candidate more dynamically. Overall, by having easy access to this pool of potential employees, it would help save company the time to go through various CVs in a short-period of time and can easily find someone who they deemed to be fitted for the position. Having a list of potential employees is also very beneficial in the case that there is a sudden resignation and the position should be refilled as soon as possible.
Another way that can possibly improve the employment rate lies on the specification on the job announcement. Quite frankly, the specification in a job announcement can be somehow overwhelming. For instance, one might need up to 5 years of experience to qualify for a job. Although this act as a mechanism to screen-out undesirable candidate from applying, it can also back fire as well. Basically, this also mean that the company would be screening out the candidate who are just as qualify and could be potentially more outstanding than those who meet the requirement. As much as experience is considered to be important, it does not necessarily means that the person is always the best-fit for the job because there is a possibility that an individual might not have the required experience but he/she is perfect for the job. Thus, HR department need to adjust the specification in the job announcement so that it would not overwhelm the job seekers. This however does not necessary mean lowering the hiring standard of the company but rather, increasing the pool of acceptance and assess them in the later hiring stage (interview, training...).
Solutions to High Turnover Rate
Nonetheless, the more pressing issue is in regards to the increase of turnover rate. Perhaps a way to improve this situation is to have a clear-stated employment contract. That is to say that by clearly stating the resignation process (for instance inform HR 3 month in advance) and the consequence of unnoticed leave, it can help the organization from an unexpected leave and give the HR some room to search for candidate to fill the position.
The important step however is to tackle the factors that lead to the rise of turnover. There are various causes for turnover which include the excess overtime, low pay or working condition. According to a study conducted by an intern, overtime has recently become an issue. There are various ways to deal with this problem as had been mentioned previously and by minimizing overtime in the company, it could lead to an improvement in the turnover rate. Another possible cause of the rise in turnover is low pay especially if it is in conjunction with high overtime work. If the employees deem that they are getting paid for less than they deserved and they are also able to find a higher paying job, then they would most likely resign from Comin Khmere. The company should thus implement a better compensating plan for the employee. The study conducted solely focused on the factor of overtime however it should be taken into consideration that the working condition could also be a factor that influences the decision to leave the company. Managers should take a look into these aspects to reevaluate and make changes if necessary. There is a possibility that the working condition is not very motivating, too much pressure or unsafe which could potentially lead to a higher turnover rate.
  VI.         Conclusion:
Overall, we can see that the issue of organizational behavior is very persisting in modern day companies and despite being a subsidiary of an international organization, Comin Khmere still faces with many unresolved issue which include the excess use of overtime, low productivity and mismatch between turnover and employment rate. These 3 issues are not unique and rather interrelated with one another. Low productivity within the company lead to additional overtime needed and this increase the company expense. Similarly, additional overtime required by the firm, in conjunction with undesirable compensation plan, can lead to an increase in employee turnover rate.
As we tackled the issues that persisting in Comin Khmere, we have come up with some recommendations that management can use to improve the organization effectiveness. To better manage the excess overtime, we suggested management to recruit new employee and use other strategies such as flextime and cross training, to cut down cost and increase the flexibility of the organization. In term of productivity, we find that the most desirable approach is to tackle down the issues that led to unproductive behavior. While many issues were identified, management should focus on the aspect of motivation and job satisfaction within the company. Finally, to reduce the spread between employment and turnover rate, we suggested management to adopt strategies that can ensure a large and readily available pools of potential employee and at the same time, address the factor that lead to the high employee turnover.
This study has many limitations however such as the unavailability of data, limited data points and the time constrain imposed. This imposes potential for future research in which the company has larger pools of data that can be access more easily.

Mission & Vision. (n.d.). Retrieved January 13, 2015, from Cominasia:
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2014). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (12th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited. Retrieved January 13, 2014
Values. (n.d.). Retrieved January 13, 2015, from Cominasia:

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